
We believe that prayer is vital to our on-going relationship with God and that the ministry of Jesus Christ includes the miraculous. Prayer at St Paul’s is both organised and spontaneous, and something that we believe everyone can do.


Weekly ZOOM Prayer Meeting

The writer of Hebrews encourages us to “not give up meeting together…but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25)

Each Monday we gather on Zoom from 8-9pm for a weekly prayer meeting to pray for our church, community and wider world.

If you would like to join us, please get in touch with the office to get the Zoom login details.

Monday Prayers at Church

The staff team meet in church to pray each Monday from 12.30-1:30pm. All are welcome to join and pray together as we seek God’s will for our church and our world.

Christian Meditation Group 

We meet each Wednesday in the Chapel from 12noon to focus for an hour on Taketime’s five-minute Gospel passages based on the Ignatian Prayer method. There are refreshments before at our weekly pop-in cafe or afterwards for anyone who would like to stay for a chat. Everyone is most welcome.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer ministry is offered to all by an experienced and trained team. Our prayer ministry team are available for individual prayer ministry after the 10.30am Service on Sunday. If you would like to have someone pray for or with you please fill in this form