Creation Care

As Christians we have been given a mandate to care for the earth and we want to take this responsibility seriously. We have a Creation Care Group that encourages thought, discussion and action which places God’s creation at the centre of what we do, why we do it and how we do it.

St Paul’s gained a Silver Eco Church award in 2021. Eco Church is A Rocha UK’s sustainability programme and award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.

The programme measures impact through worship and teaching, management of church buildings and land, community and global engagement and lifestyle.

A Rocha UK’s Easy Eco Tips: February

Go green for Lent. The weeks leading up to Easter are a time for self-reflection, repentance and emulating Jesus’ obedience to the Father. Is there something you’d like to give up or take up during Lent that will enable you to reflect on God, contribute to our planet’s well-being and enhance others’ lives through sustainable, eco-friendly living? Explore some of these changes at

Sign up for the 2024 Carbon Fast for Lent

In the Bible, caring for creation is God’s first instruction to humans. This Lent, a time when Christians traditionally fast and focus on God, we encourage you to take up our Lent challenge – living more simply and finding new ways to cut your carbon footprint.

Supporting Fair Trade

Wherever possible we will support Fair Trade initiatives through our purchasing. We purchase fairly traded tea and coffee and our communion wine comes from a winery in South Africa committed to fair trade. You can read more about it in their recent newsletter - CLICK HERE TO VIEW

“No dig” Garden

For some years we planted the garden by the entrance as an annual flower meadow; now it’s a “no-dig” garden with perennials that are attractive to pollinating insects. We also compost garden waste and harvest rain water.


We litter pick around the parish of St Paul’s, choosing an area in the parish to focus on once a month on a Saturday morning.

Energy efficiencies

We have sought to make the church buildings as environmentally sustainable as possible. We buy renewable electricity, use energy saving light bulbs, manage zoned heating and lighting, and have installed solar panels on the roof of the church and halls.


We have installed recycling bins throughout the building and encourage people to use them well.

And many of our church members are making changes to their lifestyles as they become aware of the things they can do. This might be recovering rainwater, cycling or walking to church, upcycling or building bug hotels.